Thursday, May 12, 2011

Bruins vs. Bolts Preview

Well unlike last year, the Bruins have solidified a spot in the Eastern Conference Championship and are coming off an impressive sweep of those bullies from Philly. However, next up for the bears is the upstart Tampa Bay Lightning, a team that won the Cup a few years back and holds a core of those same superstars ( Vinny Lecavalier, Martin St. Louis) plus wonderboy Steven Stamkos. With Bergeron sitting the first couple of games out with another concussion, the B's have there work cut out for them with signifigant holes in the penalty kill and powerplay. Once again, Thomas will have to play on his head for most of this series as Tampas offense is red hot and stacked with firepower, however if one team has the defense for the job, it's Boston. Another classic battle of ground and pound vs. flash and speed, so far the Bruins have been able to deal with the quick and crafty Canadians and the speedy yet physical Flyers. This one goes the distance and this Boston team of Destiny edges these grease bolts from Disney Land. Bruins in 7.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Well Fuck..

Well this is pretty much the saddest day in the history of earth. The good guys get stabbed in the face by the big bag douche bags from South Beach while Miami fans jump around in there prissy white shirts. Nobody can doubt the C's are old as fuck but they can still ball with the best of them, and even though most Boston fans were pulling for the C's to destroy Lebron and his band of crybaby fucktards, it was a longshot and in the end the younger legs of Miami's three superstars outlasted Boston's. For right now, this one stings pretty bad, and next year looks uncertain with Doc possibly stepping down and Ray and KG looking older by the minute. For now, all one can hope is that Miami meets a painful and embarrasing demise in the Conference Semis at the hands of Derek Rose and that bush brat Noah.



The waterbong gets you so higHH. Welcome to Smoke Signals: Good Music, Good Shit, Great Smoke.